Kimberly-Clark Corporation Apps

Pequeños Grandes Momentos 1.1.1
Encuentra la información más completa sobre eldesarrollo y salud de tu bebé. Descubre los mejores tips de lasmamás Huggies® y comparte los tuyos. Diviértete con los juegosespecialmente diseñados para tu bebé. Guarda en un solo lugar lasmejores fotografías de los Pequeños Grandes Momentos de estaincreíble etapa.Find the most completeinformation on the development and health of your baby. Discoverthe best tips of the Huggies mums and share yours. Have fun withspecially designed games for your baby. Save in one place the bestphotographs of the Great Small moments of this amazing stage.
Time to Potty 1.3.2
Pull-Ups® presents the smartest potty timerever. Time to Potty is the only timer that helps your child learnthe importance of taking regular potty breaks by automaticallyadjusting based on their progress. Plus, you can make pottytraining even more fun with unlockable celebration games featuringyour favorite Disney friends.MORE …Time to Potty is Smart, Easy and Lots of Fun!Just set up a profile for your child, let the app know when yourchild goes, and Time to Potty takes care of the rest. The timerautomatically adjusts the time between breaks based on your input.No other potty timer learns your child‘s habits and reinforceslearning with a fun, rewarding celebration game that you and yourchild can enjoy together every time. Starting and sticking to asuccessful potty training routine has never been easier. Don’tpotty train without it!• Personalize the app with your child’s name• Unlock new Disney celebration games as you and your child use theapp• Weekly emails chart your child’s progress and offer tips,Pull-Ups® coupons and online savings• Smart timer adjusts based on your child’s progressHelp your child learn!Time to Potty from Pull-Ups® is the only potty timer that remembersyour child’s potty patterns, adjusts accordingly, and encourageslearning with fun celebration games. With Time to Potty on yoursmartphone or tablet, you and your child are ready to potty trainall day, every day.Unlock New Celebration GamesTime to Potty uses color, music, Disney characters and more toremind you and your child to take consistent potty breaks. Yourchild will look forward to potty time thanks to Time to Potty’sinteractive celebrations. The more you and your child use the app,the more celebrations you’ll unlock.Time to Potty gives you:• 8 great games to start with plus new celebrations as you and yourchild use the app• A smart timer that automatically adjusts to encourage your childto learn; longer intervals when your child is taking regular pottybreaks, shorter intervals to minimize “near misses”• Easy personalization and navigation• Weekly email updates that track your child’s potty progress withtips and offers tailored to your stage in the potty trainingjourneyThe Quite-Possibly-Perfect Free Potty TimerTime to Potty is the smartest and simplest potty timer ever. It notonly reminds you to take potty breaks, it automatically adjusts tohelp your child learn to recognize when to go. Each time you andyour child take a potty break, record how it went and Time to PottyAUTOMATICALLY extends or shortens the time between reminders.Celebrate Potty Training Progress!Time to Potty has lots of fun celebration mini-games built in tohelp you incentivize potty learning. Reward every potty break withDisney friends Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Jake the Never Land Piratesand Doc McStuffins! Celebrate every trip to the potty with gameslike:Minnie’s Cake – move your finger around the screen to help MinnieMouse decorate a delicious cake!Mickey’s Mix-Up – Tap all the pieces of this quick puzzle to putMickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse back together again!Over The Moon – Move your finger around the screen to color the cowand send her over the moon!Doc McStuffin’s Music Machine – Tap the different sounds to make atune with Doc!That’s just a small sample of the fun you and your child canhave at potty time. Download Time to Potty now and get started withthe easiest and smartest potty timer ever.
Granja Huggies@ 1.0
Explora con tu bebé la Granja Huggies@ paraque aprenda de la forma más divertida los sonidos y nombres de losanimalitos que habitan en ella.Gira la rueda, coloca a los animales en su posición e interactúacon ellos escuchando sus sonidos cuando los tocas.MORE …Explore with your babyFarm Huggies @ to learn in a fun way the sounds and names of theanimals that inhabit it.Spin the wheel, place the animals in their position andinteracts with them listening to their sounds when playing.MORE ...
Adivina con Poppy 1.0
Adivina con Poppy es un juego familiar paradibujar y adivinar donde te divertirás con los pequeños del hogar.Crea equipos, espera tu turno, escoge una categoría, dibuja yadivina.Comparte con Poppy y tu familia estos divertidos momentosPétalo®.¿Listos para adivinar?Guess Poppy is a familygame to draw and guess where you will have fun with the littlehousehold. Create teams, wait your turn, choose a category, drawand guess.Share with Poppy and family Pétalo® these funny moments.Ready to guess?
Huggies Selfkiss 1.4
Para comprobar lo sana que está la piel de tubebé, Huggies te invita a hacer “La Prueba del Sonido de tus Besos”con una Selfkiss. Apunta con tu teléfono como para sacarte unaselfie con tu bebé, mientras haces La Prueba del Sonido de tusBesos. Si la piel suena con tu beso se va a dispararautomáticamente la foto y ¡tendrás tu Selfkiss! Sin la necesidad deoprimir ningún botón.To check how healthy isthe skin of your baby, Huggies invites you to do "Sound Test YourKisses" with a Selfkiss. Point your phone to get you one selfiewith your baby while you test the sound of your kisses. If the skinsounds with your kiss will automatically shoot the photo and haveyour Selfkiss! Without the need to press any buttons.
Tu Cocina Pétalo 1.0.3
Aprende a preparar deliciosas y prácticasrecetas para disfrutar con tu familia.Learn to preparedelicious and practical recipes to enjoy with your family.
VA.NO.VA 1.4
Kotex entendió que son muchas lassituacionesen las cuales las mujeres recurren a sus amigas parasalir dealguna duda, y a su vez, a sus amigas les encanta ayudardándole suopinión: Todo lo difícil que a una mujer le resultaopinar sobre símisma, es todo lo fácil que le resulta opinar sobreotra.Así nació VA.NO.VA la app para que entre mujeres nosayudemossiempre a elegir la mejor opción.Kotex understoodthatthere are many situations in which women use their friends toleaveany doubt, and in turn, her friends love to help by givingyouropinion: Everything difficult for a woman it will reviewitself,everything is easier than it would review other.Thus he was born the app VA.NO.VA than women will always help youtochoose the best option.
Postales Huggies® 3.0
Ahora puedes crear y compartir nuevasPostalesHuggies® para desearles felices fiestas a tus seresqueridos condivertidos videos.Now you can createandshare new Postcards Huggies® to wish happy holidays to yourlovedones with funny videos.
Little Swimmers 1.0
Prepárate para estas vacaciones conHuggies®Little Swimmers®. Juega con tu bebé y aprende cómo obtenerlamáxima diversión con la máxima protección.Get ready for theholidayswith Huggies® Little Swimmers®. Play with your baby andlearn how toget the maximum fun with maximum protection.
Poppy Play 0.0.1
Juega y diviértete con Poppy con estos 3juegossúper divertidos. Encuentra sus tesoros, entierra sushuesitos en laarena antes de que el tiempo se acabe y encuentra laimagenmisteriosa.Play and have funwithPoppy With These 3 super fun games. Find their treasures,theirbones buried in the sand before the time runs out to findthemysterious image.
KleenBebé Risas 1.0
Mantén siempre cerca de ti ese momentomágicode felicidad de tu pequeño(a) y reprodúcelo las vecesquequierasAlways keep close toyouthat magical moment of happiness for your little (a) and play itasoften as you like
KleenBebe Palabritas 1.3
KleenBebe Palabritas trae para ti TalkingBaby,una divertida aplicación que te permitirá mandar mensajes atusamigos utilizando a este tierno bebé.Es muy sencillo:1. Graba el mensaje que quieras enviar2. Reprodúcelo y si quieres puedes guardarlo3. Compártelo con tus amigos en las diferentes redes sociales oporcorreoLa App funcionará mejor si te acercas el teléfono algrabar.Recuerda que cada dispositivo Android tiene diferentesensibilidaden el micrófono.¡Diviértete!KleenBebePalabritasTalking Baby brings you a fun application that lets yousendmessages to friends using this sweet baby. It is very simple:1. Record the message you want to send2. Play it and if you want you can gI uardarlo3. Share it with your friends in different social networksoremail The app will work better if you approach your phone torecord.Remember that every Android device has different sensitivityon themicrophone. Have fun!
Huggies Baby 0.0.2
Huggies Baby app combines all theessentialsthat pregnant moms and first-time moms need for theirbabiesfood-intake and health. It is a user-friendly app that canbedownloaded from the App store.The main features of the app include:• Weekly tips for pregnant moms• Track and reminders of food in-takes and growth• Reminders doctor’s appointments• A selection of baby tunes to calm the baby• Browse Huggies product range• Photo album to collect the baby’s Warmest Moments
Huggies Rewards 1.6.3
Collect and redeem Huggies® Rewards Points even faster with thenew, easy-to-use Huggies® Rewards app. Earn points when youpurchase Huggies® Diapers and Baby Wipes products by simplyscanning and uploading receipts using your smartphone. You can alsoearn extra Huggies Rewards Points without purchase by readinghelpful parenting articles, watching videos and viewing bonusoffers that are personalized just for you! Redeem your points inthe Huggies® Rewards Catalog for great prizes including free babydiapers, gift cards, sweepstakes entries for big prizes, or diaperdonations to help babies in need. Start earning now with a 500Rewards Points bonus when you sign up today! Earn Rewards Points •Upload receipts for Huggies® diapers and wipes purchases • Invitefriends to join Huggies® Rewards • Read articles • Watch videos •Take surveys • Share on Facebook and Twitter Redeem Points •Huggies Diapers and Wipes • Merchandise and gift cards • Entersweepstakes • Donate diapers Rewards Points History • Track earnedand redeemed Huggies Rewards points • View receipt submissionstatus
Intimus Calendário Menstrual 1.1
O Calendário Menstrual é um aplicativodiferente. Ele é a versão moderna do calendário de folhinha, muitomais prático, fácil e eficiente. Ele organiza as informações sobreseu ciclo menstrual, faz uma previsão da sua próxima menstruação edo seu período fértil. Nele, você também faz uma atualização diáriado seu humor e sintomas do seu período menstrual, como cólica efluxo. Você pergunta: tá, e o que mais? O Calendário Menstrualainda tem uma área só de alertas para você nunca mais se perder nahora de tomar pílula, de comprar seu absorvente ou de ir aoginecologista. E pra você não ficar na dúvida de qual Intimus é omelhor pra você, temos uma vitrine com os nossos produtos. É sóescolher.Mas como a gente adora um papo, digamos, mais leve, também temdicas de beleza, comportamento e saúde.Gostou, né? A gente também. Por isso, queremos muito que vocêaproveite ao máximo o Calendário Intimus para facilitar a sua vidae fazer do seu período menstrual uma fase menos complicada e maisdivertida.Baixe aqui e aproveite.The Menstrual Calendar isa different application. It is the modern version of the leafletschedule, more practical, easy and efficient. It organizes theinformation about your menstrual cycle, makes a prediction of yournext period and your fertile period. In it, you also make a dailyupdate on your mood and symptoms of your period, as colic and flow.You ask, yeah, and what else? The Menstrual Calendar still has anarea only alerts you to never get lost in time to take pill, buyingyour absorbent or go to the gynecologist. And for you not to be indoubt which Intimus is the best for you, we have a showcase withour products. Take your pick.But as we love a chat, say, lighter, also has beauty tips, behaviorand health.Like, right? We too. So we want you to make the very most ofIntimus Calendar to make your life easier and make your menstrualperiod a less complicated and more fun stage.Download here and enjoy.
KCP Advantage 2.0
Experience the KCP Advantage Introducing KCP Advantage – a mobileapp that will save you time and help you grow your business byproviding fast, easy access to sales information. Use it to: •Easily share product information with customers. • Estimatesegment-specific product usage. • Cross-Reference products toidentify the best Kimberly-Clark Professional* solutions. •Simplify product options with Good/Better/Best recommendations. •Claim your rewards with direct access to KCPzone. With KCPAdvantage we’re building a foundation for the future – so checkback often for new offerings.
KCP MOD Reality 1.0.1
Interactive augmented reality applicationforKCP dispenser sales and product display.
KC IT Golf 1.0
KC IT Golf is a mobile information guidethatprovides participants of the 2016 ITS Charity Golf Classic withaway to digitally interact at the golf outing. You will benotifiedwhat the upcoming hole event is, the prize you can win andwho isleading, also stay up to date with the events of the day allonyour Android Device.This app, including its functionalities and user interface,isoptimized for All Android devices. For the best user experienceandto utilize the beacon technology connected with the app itshouldbe downloaded on one of these devices.
Kleenex® Moment Emoji Keyboard 1.1
Express yourself and share care with an emojikeyboard for all of life’s Kleenex® Moments.Bring on the cry-laughs, the break ups, the sniffles andbinge-watching! Where there’s a Kleenex® Moment, there’s theperfect emoji to express yourself. When you can’t be therephysically to show someone you care with Kleenex® Tissues, sendfree emojis to capture your empathy or sympathy in a moment ofneed. The Kleenex® Moment emojis are image-based and work in appsthat support pasting of images such as Messenger, Hangouts, Kik,EvolveSMS, KakaoTalk, Tango, Go SMS Pro and more!
Experiencia Unique 1.27.1
Bienvenida a la ExperienciaKleenex®Cottonelle® Unique creada para ti, en esta experiencia vasadisfrutar de meditación guiada, posturas de relajación,aprenderása crear esencias, mascarillas y todo lo necesarioparaconsentirte.Comienza tu experiencia!.Welcome toExperienceKleenex ® Cottonelle ® Unique created for you in thisexperienceyou will enjoy guided meditation, postures, relaxation,learn howto create essences, masks and everything you need topamper.Start your experience!.
Onvation Technology
An augmented reality experience for a Smart RestroomManagementSystem
Huggies Benefits 1.2
Acumulación de puntos al comprar productos en cadenasparticipantes.
KleenBebé Corazones 1.0
Accumulate points through the purchase of productsfromparticipating chains.
Kleenex pollen count & tracker 4.0.7
Your five-day local pollen count and forecast app to keep hayfeverin check.
Period Tracker – U by Kotex 1.0.2
Predict, plan and prepare for your period with the Period TrackerbyU by Kotex
My K-C Benefits 3.11.0
Lead the World in Essentials for a Better Life.